3DS Version Differences - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Guide

Master Quest is mirrored in the 3DS version, but not in the original Master Quest version on the GameCube disc. Now when Link goes up to his bed and presses A, you have the option to either take a Nap, which will simply refill your hearts, or relive past nightmares of the bosses you've already

Master Quest Mirror Mode

Master Quest is mirrored in the 3DS version, but not in the original Master Quest version on the GameCube disc.

Boss Battle Mode and Naps

Now when Link goes up to his bed and presses A, you have the option to either take a Nap, which will simply refill your hearts, or relive past nightmares of the bosses you've already fought, otherwise known as Boss Battle Mode. You can relive any boss battle within the game, whether you are young or adult link when you approach the bed. Each battle is timed so the player can test themselves on how speedy they are at boss fighting.

In addition, when you defeat all 8 bosses, a 9th slot will unlock in Boss Battle Mode, known as the Boss Gauntlet. It's a challenge in which you must defeat every boss in a row, starting with 5 hearts. However, after each boss fight, you'll have the option to open one of two treasure chests that appear, and they could include any useful items, even extra heart containers. The Boss Gauntlet, like all the other Boss Battles, is also timed.

More Potent Pink Fairies

Pink Fairies completely refill your life, even if they are stored in a bottle and automatically used when you lose all your hearts. In other versions, they only restored 8 hearts when automatically used.

Navi's New Tips

Navi now tells you to take a break every once in a while.

Navi senses fairies inside Gossip Stones now, tipping you off to an old trick: Play the Song of Storms to summon a fairy.

Water-level Icons in Water Temple

There is an improved icon beside each Triforce-plaque in the Water Temple, making it much more easy to know exactly how Zelda's Lullaby will affect the water level in each area. Additionally, the beginning to any path from the Water Temple's "lobby" that will eventually lead to an area where you can change the water-level is indicated accordingly.

Giant Moblin's Intro

When heading to the Forest Temple for the first time, there is now a cutscene when encountering the Giant Moblin guarding the stairs to the Sacred Meadow. This was not present in any previous version of Ocarina of Time.

Fire Temple Music

The Nintendo 3DS version retains the music changes introduced with later copies of the original Ocarina of Time for N64, namely the alternate version of the Fire Temple song.

The Shard of Agony

In the original Ocarina of Time, you received an item called the Stone of Agony (picture, below right) from the skulltula house in Kakariko Village once you collected 20 gold skulltulas. The item bore a resemblance to the Rumble Pak for the N64 and caused your controller to rumble when you stood near a hidden grotto or other secret. In the 3DS version, it has been replaced with the Shard of Agony, which instead beeps repeatedly when near secrets and beeps faster the closer you are to a secret (picture, below left).

Ending Credits and Original (NES) Zelda Music

After the final scene in the original game (where Link and Zelda meet again), the game freezes on "The End" and you can mess around with ocarina sounds using the N64 controller. In the 3DS version, more credits are shown after "The End" and the original overworld music from The Legend of Zelda plays. It's a nice orchestrated version too -- which was conspicuously missing from the original Ocarina of Time.

Deku Stick-Nerfed!

In the original OoT, the Deku Stick would inflict Biggoron Sword-levels of damage to enemies in the hands of Young Link. When equipped, you could jumping-slash King Dodongo with the Deku Stick two times to kill him. In this version, the Deku Stick does not inflict anywhere near as much damage as it once did.

