David Piper: Who is Katie Pipers dad?

Katie is the daughter of David Piper.There are no details online about David Pipers life. Katie grew up in a sleepy Hampshire village, where Diane her mother was an infant school teacher. Her father, David, is a barber.

Katie is the daughter of David Piper. There are no details online about David Piper’s life.

Katie grew up in a sleepy Hampshire village, where Diane her mother was an infant school teacher. Her father, David, is a barber.

When Katie was attacked with acid in 2008, she sustained third-degree burns and was blinded in one eye.

Daniel Lynch, her ex-boyfriend, had planned for an accomplice, Stefan Sylvestre, to wait outside her flat and spray sulfuric acid in her face.

Katie was partially blind in one eye as a result of the attack; her dad and mom both offered to donate their eyeballs and skin but were told it wasn’t possible. They nursed Katie back o health after her surgeries.

Katie’s father David, spoke about how proud he is of how Katie turned a negative into a positive.

‘I think initially I was just very angry that someone could do this [acid attack] and ruin your life, in just one fell swoop. But anger is very negative,’ David said. ‘When you’re trying to nurse someone who is traumatised, you need positivity and humour. You’ll never get through it otherwise. Now, I’m amazed by Katie. I can’t understand how she’s done what she’s done.’

