Sigmund Freud Net Worth

#Quote1You wanted to kill your father so that you could become your father. Now you are your father but you are a dead father.2Fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity.3Psychoanalysis is The Impossible Profession.4The different religions have never overlooked the part played by the sense of guilt in civilization. What is more, they come forward with a save mankind from this sense of guilt, which they call sin.5Our knowledge of the historical worth of certain religious doctrines increases our respect for them, but does not invalidate our proposal that they should cease to be put forward as the reasons for the precepts of civilization. On the contrary! Those historical residues have helped us to view religious teachings, as it were, as neurotic relics, and we may now argue that the time has probably come, as it does in an analytic treatment, for replacing the effects of repression by the results of the rational operation of the intellect6The whole thing is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life. It is still more humiliating to discover how a large number of people living today, who cannot but see that this religion is not tenable, nevertheless try to defend it piece by piece in a series of pitiful rearguard actions.7A religion, even if it calls itself a religion of love, must be hard and unloving to those who do not belong to it.8Religion is an illusion and it derives its strength from the fact that it falls in with our instinctual desires.9My language is German. My culture, my attainments are German. I considered myself German intellectually, until I noticed the growth of anti-Semitic prejudice in Germany and German Austria. Since that time, I prefer to call myself a Jew.10Religion is an attempt to get control over the sensory world, in which we are placed, by means of the wish-world, which we have developed inside us as a result of biological and psychological necessities. [...] If one attempts to assign to religion its place in man's evolution, it seems not so much to be a lasting acquisition, as a parallel to the neurosis which the civilized individual must pass through on his way from childhood to maturity.11Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis.12[Confronted with Goethe's Complete Works in Weimar] To think he wrote all of that in order not to show himself.13[on reading Jung's "Psychological Types"] There [can] be no [variance in] 'objective truth' in psychology because of personal differences in the observer's constitution.14Dreams are the Royal Road to the Subconscious.15Even paranoids have enemies.16The paranoid is always not entirely mistaken.17Our recognition that the ruling tendency of psychic life... is the struggle for reduction, keeping at a constant level, or removal of the inner stimulus tension - a struggle which comes to expression in the pleasure-principle - is indeed one of our strongest motives for believing in the existence of death-instincts.18I have found little that is "good" about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash, no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all. That is something that you cannot say aloud, or perhaps even think.19Before the problem of the artist, analysis must, alas, lay down its arms.20If the sole reason why you must not kill your neighbor is because God has forbidden it and will severely punish you for it in this or the next life - then, when you learn that there is no God and that you need not fear His punishment, you will certainly kill your neighbor without hesitation, and you can only be prevented from doing so by mundane force. Thus either these dangerous masses must be held down most severely and kept most carefully away from any chance of intellectual awakening, or else the relationship between civilization and religion must undergo a fundamental revision.21How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved.22Wherever I go, I find a poet has been there before me.23Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.24The great question...which I have not been able to answer, despite my 30 years of research into the feminine soul, is 'What does a woman want?'.25The child is psychologically father of the adult.26Only the real, rare, true scientific minds can endure doubt, which is attached to all our knowledge. [in a letter to Princess Marie Bonaparte]27The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization.28Dogs love their friends and bite their enemies, quite unlike people, who are incapable of pure love and always have to mix love and hate in their object-relations.29If a man has been his mother's undisputed darling, he retains throughout life the triumphant feeling, the confidence in success, which not seldom brings actual success along with it.

