The Mystical Origins Of Indigo Children (& Why The Movement Is Riddled With Controversy)

Aside a mountain of criticism from without, the Indigo Children movement has experienced dissolution from within. As IFLScience explains, Doreen Virtue the individual who took Nancy Ann Tappe's original ideas and expanded on them has recanted her involvement in the movement and New Age beliefs writ large. Granted, as the Doreen Virtue website

Aside a mountain of criticism from without, the Indigo Children movement has experienced dissolution from within. As IFLScience explains, Doreen Virtue — the individual who took Nancy Ann Tappe's original ideas and expanded on them — has recanted her involvement in the movement and New Age beliefs writ large. Granted, as the Doreen Virtue website explains, she's affixed herself to another set of beliefs (born-again Christianity), but she's also gone so far as to request that outlets discontinue selling her older, Indigo Children-themed material.

Meanwhile, plenty of people still glom onto the notion that their gifted but unruly child doesn't need behavioral and/or medical attention but is a beacon of hope and "chosen one" to lead a spiritually enlightened humanity, as a 2016 VICE documentary on YouTube puts it. Other YouTube videos on channels like Celestial Inspiration even divide Indigo Children into four different types based on role: humanist, conceptual, artist, and catalyst/interdimensional. It all makes for wonderful, bite-sized, dubiously convenient self-help and article-and-video-feed fodder, which ought to clue people off right away. 

So in the end, what are we to make of the whole Indigo Children thing? "The innocence and wonder of children" is a concept widespread to be utterly passé. Children are the future, children are the way, children are the answer, etc. Maybe that's all that Indigo Children reflect: the hope that this is not only true but that we adults haven't messed up kids' chances beyond repair.

